Are you interested in watching anime series? Ever fantasize about having your very own Real Life Anime Characters? You now have an opportunity to do so! With the amazing technology that is 3D printing, you can change your favorite anime characters to tangible figures which makes them collectible art pieces ready for display or to impress your friends.
The innovation of 3D printing has changed the way we turn our ideas into reality. This innovation allows us to express our desires in previously unimaginable ways. People can now convert their very own anime characters and design into real tangible things using the magic of anime 3d printing technology. By using special software tools to massage and craft the character, we get a real idea of how it's going to look physically on screen - or when printed.
The gates of 3D technology however, have opened new horizons for anime enthusiasts everywhere to represent their beloved anime characters in true-life size and correct proportions. Fans are using anime 3D printing to create detailed and beautiful figurines, cosplays - as well as props which look almost exactly like the actual weapons from animes for sales at conventions or events. In addition, they will customize to a new dimension adding their own style and source of creativity in the design making that characters which do not exist on anime before.
Essentially 3D printing is revolutionary tech that turns a digital design into an object by building it up in layers of material. It works like most 3D printer, as it receives a digital file and then proceeds to print out the desired design layer by layer until your final model comes into existence. When making anime models, fans use a 3D modeling program and painstakingly create digital copies of their beloved figure from the world of anime. It is through the act of sculpting, which predominantly takes place on a computer with mice and keyboard+specialized software.
Beyond model-making, 3D printing provides unique decorations that can be perfectly tailored to adorn living spaces; critical general prototypes such as posters or bookends and smaller furniture no one would mind like jewelry holders with hand details to hang necklaces safely away from sharp twists. For example, a fan of anime in general would to release his imagination on designing and then print custom poster with character he love as if it was brought by its own person. But with an anime 3D printer, they could make a mountain of the different types of things that are based on animation sensation like coasters to lamps or even a life-sized pillow for over-the-top enthusiasts.
3D Printing is therefore becoming the way of life, and so fast that it is changing every now and then our perception about how anything tangible can be created out from an idea. Anime 3D printing is a great way to feed your desire of making the anime version you make or one thing close to it in hopes that lovely ladies begin flocking over as and stealing all his focus from each individual else! By harnessing the power of anime 3D printing, even passionate fans can overcome their distance from reality and unleash a world free to imagine whatever way they see fit!
Naši pisači, temeljeni na jedinstvenom dizajnu, strukturi i, što je najvažnije, našem visokokvalificiranom timu istraživača, koriste se u raznim industrijama kao što su zubni odljevci i krunice, odljevci za nakit, kompleti za garažu, precizni kalupi itd. Podržavamo pružanje besplatnih testova. U mogućnosti smo ispisati stl datoteke na našim pisačima i pokazati vam kako funkcioniraju kao i rezultate prije kupnje.
Od 2012. naš osnivač radi na 3D printerima, u rasponu od FDM do DLP, SLA. On vjeruje u "3d tehnologiju koja će donijeti još jednu industrijsku revoluciju"! Trudimo se pružiti više podrške za tehničke i servisne probleme za one koji su obožavatelji 3D pisača i imaju snažnu podršku za nas! Pružamo obzirnu podršku i brzo odgovaramo na zahtjeve tržišta.
Naši pisači korišteni su u raznim industrijama kao što su nakit, Temples Dentals, keramika i više. Naše prilagođene usluge su idealne. Nudimo niz prilagođenih usluga, poput dizajna pakiranja zajedno sa softverom, logotipom, pakiranjem i mnogim drugim. Našim kupcima nudimo 3D printere po najpovoljnijim cijenama, a uz to vrhunsku kvalitetu, funkcionalnost i učinkovitost.
Shenzhen 3KU Technology and Science Co., LTD osnovana je 2014. godine. Unutar samo nekoliko godina razvoja i marketinga, našu marku 3KU dobro poznaju ljubitelji i korisnici 3D pisača. Nudimo širok raspon tehničke podrške koja uključuje tehnologiju ispisa, naknadnu obradu, tehnike lijevanja i doživotna jamstva. Pružamo visokostručnu podršku i tehnologiju. Možemo riješiti probleme tiskanja i lijevanja u raznim područjima.