3D-utskrift har vært den neste spennende tingen for mange mennesker. Når kombinert med riktig filament og 3D-printer, kan du produsere omtrent alt som tankene dine kan drømme om! Og med keramiske materialer er selv3D-ting-utskrift mulig!! Cermaic Filament er en fantastisk type materiale som gir deg muligheten til å lage kule detaljerte ting, samt funksjonelle og kunstneriske trykk.
Så hva er keramisk filament? Forhåndsformet fra fragmenter av keramikk, er det bundet sammen med spesiell bindesement. Materialet ekstruderes deretter gjennom en liten åpning, eller dyse som former blandingen til det du ønsker profilmessig som et sluttprodukt av ditt tiltenkte 3D-printobjekt. Dette er en måte du kan ha komplekse og interessante design som er morsomme å se opptre riktig!
Fordeler med keramisk filamentKeramisk filament har mye å tilby som er mye bedre enn de andre typene filamenter, og dette inkluderer; Det første gode er at det hjelper med å produsere sterke og kvalitetsmodeller. Keramisk materiale er også hardt og har god varmebestandighet, noe som gjør det mulig å lage robuste prototyper. Dette betyr at det du lager har lang levetid og holdbarhet til å eksistere i en rekke forskjellige miljøer.
But ceramic filament is not limited to art: It can be used in a plethora of industries. The tensile strength of steel and its durable nature make it the ideal candidate to be used in making different parts such as cars, airplanes or other machinery. Many of these sectors require materials that are strength-resistant and can handle high temperatures, which leads to the use ceramic filament.
Ceramic materials, moreover are compatible with high and ultra-high temperatures as well s electrical frequencies which make them ideal to be used for manufacturing parts that need to gain extra strength along side resistance against heat. With this ability to withstand harsh environments, a lot of the businesses tend to use the ceramic filaments for their manufacturing demands.
Ceramic filament is one of the most amazing filaments to proceed in making medical implants. These are bio-safe materials and so they are used for fabrication of dental implants, bone replacements and joint replacements. Ceramic is considered biocompatible so it does not cause an adverse impact on the body which makes ceramic a great choice for medical applications.
The same thing goes for the parts of airplanes and rockets: you cannot find a better material than ceramic in this industry. It is light, yet very tough which are critical when manufacturing parts that need to be strong and lightweight. Keeping it light does wonders for fuel economy and performance. Ceramic also fares well under high temperatures too, making it a great choice for pieces that need to function in extreme conditions.
Based on a distinctive design and construction, notably our top research team our ceramic 3d printer filament are used in various industries, including Dental cast and crown, Jewelry cast, Garage Kit, Precise Molding, ect. We offer free samples. You can provide us with STL files and we print with our printers to show how it works and what the results look before you purchase.
The founder of our company has been working on 3D printers since 2012, starting with FDM, DLP, SLA. He is convinced that "3d technology will lead another industrial revolution". We strive to provide more ceramic 3d printer filament and technical support to 3d printer enthusiasts who believe in us strongly! We have the best priced tower packaging. We provide considerate support and quickly respond to market needs.
Shenzhen 3KU Technology and Science Co. LTD was founded in 2014. In just a few short months, 3KU has become a household name for 3d printer users and fans. We provide a complete range of technical support that includes ceramic 3d printer filament, post-processing, casting techniques, and a lifetime warranty. We provide professional technology and customizing services to solve the printing and casting problems in different areas.
ceramic 3d printer filament printers are used to various industries, including Jewelrys, Temples, Dentals, Ceramics, etc.. We have perfect customized services. The customized services include the look and feel, custom logos, software design, more functionality and the customized packaging. We provide our customers with the best 3D printers for their money that are of good quality, practical functionality and efficiency.