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Privacy Policy

We know that data privacy is a top issue today, and we want you to enjoyyour interaction with us whilst knowing that we value your Personal Data andthat we protect it.

Here you will find an overview of how we process your Personal Data, thepurposes for which we process it, and how you benefit. You’ll also see what yourrights are and how you can contact us.

Updates to this Privacy Notice

As business and technology evolves, we might need to change this PrivacyNotice. We encourage you to regularly review this Privacy Notice to make sureyou are up-to-date with how Shenzhen 3KU Technology and Science Co., LTD. is using your Personal Data.

Aged under 13?

If you’re under the age of 13 we kindly ask you to wait to be a bitolder to interact with us or ask a parent or guardian to contact us! We can’tcollect and use your Personal Data without their agreement.

Why do we process your Personal Data?

We process your Personal Data, including any sensitive personal datathat you have provided to us with your consent, to communicate with you, fulfilyour purchase orders, answer your queries and provide you with communicationsabout Shenzhen 3KU Technology and Science Co., LTD. and our products. We also process your Personal Data in order to help uscomply with the law, to sell or transfer any relevant part of our business, tomanage our systems and finances, to conduct investigations and to exercise legalrights. We combine your Personal Data from all sources so that we can understandyou better to improve and personalize your experience when interacting withus.

Who can access your Personal Data and why?

We limit the disclosure of your Personal Data to others, however we doneed to disclose your Personal Data in certain instances and mainly to thefollowing recipients:

Companies within the Shenzhen 3KU Technology and Science Co., LTD. where required for our legitimate interests or with yourconsent;

Third parties engaged by us to provide services such as administeringShenzhen 3KU Technology and Science Co., LTD. websites, applications and services (e.g. features, programs, andpromotions) available to you, subject to appropriateprotections;

Credit reporting agencies/debt collectors, where permitted by the lawand if we need to verify your creditworthiness (e.g. if you choose to order withinvoice) or collect outstanding invoices; and Relevant public agencies andauthorities, if required to do so by law or a legitimate businessinterest.

Data security and retention

We use a variety of measures to keep your Personal Data confidential andsecure, including restricting access to your Personal Data on a need to knowbasis and following appropriate security standards to protect yourdata.

We take every reasonable step to ensure that your Personal Data is onlyprocessed for the minimum period necessary in connection with: (i) the purposesset out in this Privacy Notice; (ii) any additional purposes notified to you ator before the time of collection of the relevant Personal Data or commencementof the relevant processing; or (iii) as required or permitted by applicable law;and thereafter, for the duration of any applicable limitation period. In short,once your Personal Data is no longer required, we will destroy or delete it in asecure manner.

Contact us

Shenzhen 3KU is known well by 3d printer fans. Our printers areapplied in various industries, such as Jewelrys, Temples, Dentals, Ceramics,ect.

Shenzhen 3KU Technology and Science Co., LTD.

Contact address:Shenzhen Factory.